
portrait, event, wineries, vineyards, wine & dine (Restaurants, Entrees, Main Courses, Desserts), landscape, travel, micro & macro photography
renumeration by request
“Besides being an impeccable wine journalist, he also is an excellent photographer. His photo of Swizz wine critic Yves Beck and me is so much fun!”
Christian Witte Domänenverwalter Schloss Johannisberg

research and articles concerning wine, food and travel – text and photography
check ‘Home’ for articles on my blog, check facebook albums ‘jajkaiser’
renumeration by request
“Joachim is a highly skilled wine professional with scientific and laboratory background. I really appreciated his long experience in tasting wines. I really liked his tasting notes of the new wines and barrel samples of the 2015 vintages of Schloss Johannisberg and G.H. von Mumm.”
Christian Witte Domänenverwalter bei Schloss Johannisberg

rating and description of wines, assessment of foreign wines for the German market, promotion of wines, awareness creating for wineries and restaurants, wine lists for restaurants
I will not send back unrequested wines, food or other commodities. For each wine I need a minimum of one hour. Minimum therefore is 60 Euros.
renumeration by request
“Joachim A. J. Kaiser ist ein langjährig erfahrener und kompetenter Weinberater und Journalist. Gerne haben wir ihm zur Bewertung und Einschätzung für den deutschen Markt Weine aus unserer Kollektion von Raymond Vineyards zugesendet.”
Christine Scharrer, European Sales Manager, Boisset Collection